Assessor Resource

Undertake field-based, remote-sensing monitoring

Assessment tool

Version 1.0
Issue Date: July 2024

This unit of competency covers the ability to organise and undertake defined field-based, remote-sensing monitoring activities. These may include assembling, setting up and checking appropriate monitoring equipment on-site, sampling, data collection and storage, equipment and system maintenance, and associated field testing and laboratory analysis. This unit of competency does not cover developing specific monitoring protocols or detailed design and/or construction of instruments, buildings, structures associated with the remote-sensing monitoring activities.

This unit of competency is applicable to technical, field and environmental officers working in the environmental services, geotechnical, construction materials testing and mining industry sectors.

While no specific licensing or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication, laboratory operations are governed by relevant legislation, regulations and/or external accreditation requirements. Local requirements should be checked.

You may want to include more information here about the target group and the purpose of the assessments (eg formative, summative, recognition)

Evidence Required

List the assessment methods to be used and the context and resources required for assessment. Copy and paste the relevant sections from the evidence guide below and then re-write these in plain English.

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.


Confirm monitoring requirements with supervising staff


Clarify the purpose, objectives and the preferred site for the remote-sensing activities


Review all emergency and hazard/risk assessments, site safety and environmental requirements, and data quality procedures for the field activities


Clarify details of all field parameters to be monitored and the preferred monitoring and data quality procedures


Confirm final data formats will suit stakeholders who receive or use the data


Clarify details of any statutory requirements that apply to the site and associated field activities


Review existing remote-sensing monitoring protocols, and siting standards or associated in-house requirements which relate to the field activities


Assemble remote-sensing field monitoring system


Identify required instruments, equipment and consumables and associated maintenance and replacement procedures


Identify site access, services and security requirements and any site constraints


Complete all administrative requirements and obtain appropriate approvals


Confirm required instrument calibration and data storage, handling and transfer systems


Field-check site suitability for monitoring activities and define alternative sites as necessary


Assemble remote-sensing monitoring system and check all components under laboratory conditions


Organise and establish the remote-sensing monitoring site


Identify, and confirm with senior staff, all resources required for operation of monitoring system in the field


Confirm that all safety, emergency and risk assessment requirements and data quality procedures have been correctly applied to the field activities


Ensure correct packaging and transportation of equipment and instruments to defined field site


Establish remote monitoring station


Test operation of total system under field conditions


Operate and maintain monitoring site


Undertake regular or emergency inspections of the site according to set procedures


Undertake calibration checks according to written instructions


Inspect and maintain all instruments, equipment and data systems and organise replacement of defective items


Perform all field and laboratory activities safely and with minimal impact on the environment


Document all site visits and associated actions


Review the total monitoring activity on a regular basis and implement any required modifications or improvements


Close down field monitoring activities


Confirm decision to close down site and finalise all data requirements with supervising staff


Dismantle monitoring system and arrange checking, packaging and transportation of all equipment and instruments back to base


Close down site in accordance with workplace and environmental requirements


Hand back site and inform all relevant authorities


Test, decontaminate, if required, and store all equipment appropriately


Document all close-down actions

Evidence of competence in this unit must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria, and include demonstration of:

organising and safely undertaking defined field-based, remote-sensing monitoring activities on at least two (2) occasions

accurately identifying and interpreting statutory requirements

safely undertaking reconnaissance and evaluating monitoring sites

confirming type, quantity and quality of data needed for defined monitoring activities

safely packaging and transporting supplies, equipment and instruments into the field

identifying and establishing a secure field monitoring site according to defined criteria

assembling, testing and closing down a field-based, remote-sensing monitoring system on-site

performing calibration and pre-use checks and maintaining equipment and systems in accordance with workplace procedures

operating the monitoring system to collect and store reliable data in accordance with workplace and data quality procedures

communicating effectively and efficiently with staff and other relevant parties and negotiating satisfactory agreements

responding effectively to changed or unforeseen circumstances

recognising hazards and risks and following all safety and environmental requirements.

Must provide evidence that demonstrates knowledge of:

terminology, protocols and statutory requirements relevant to field-based environmental monitoring activities conducted as part of job role

purpose and objectives of the monitoring activities conducted as part of job role, including:

information and analysis required

end users of information

significance of outcomes for broader programs

operating principles, technical capabilities and limitations of remote-sensing equipment and instruments used

basic fault identification and rectification procedures for field instruments and monitoring system

data quality, data storage, analysis and presentation procedures

workplace and/or legal traceability requirements

hazards and risks associated with field-based, remote-sensing monitoring

field-based work health and safety (WHS) requirements, emergency plans and environmental requirements.

Judgment of competence must be based on holistic assessment of the evidence. Assessment methods must confirm consistency of performance over time, rather than a single assessment event.

This unit of competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated workplace environment. A simulated workplace environment must reflect realistic operational workplace conditions that cover all aspects of workplace performance, including the environment, task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills and job role environment skills.

Foundation skills are integral to competent performance of the unit and should not be assessed separately.

Assessment processes and techniques must be appropriate to the language, literacy and numeracy requirements of the work being performed and the needs of the candidate.

Knowledge evidence may be collected concurrently with performance evidence or through an independent process, such as workbooks, written assessments or interviews (provided a record is kept in each case).

This unit of competency may be assessed with:

MSL935004 Maintain instruments and equipment

Holistic assessment methods include:

review of data and results obtained by the candidate

feedback from supervisors and peers about the candidate’s performance in the field

observation of the candidate assembling, conducting calibration and pre-use checks and operating a field-based, remote-sensing monitoring system on-site to collect and store reliable data

review of the candidate’s response to simulation exercises, such as accident and emergency situations, and/or checking and testing equipment

oral and/or written questions covering specifications, requirements, workplace procedures and equipment/instruments used for monitoring activities conducted as part of job role.

Access is required to instruments, equipment, materials, workplace documentation, procedures and specifications associated with this unit, including, but not limited to:

work program, workplace procedures covering safety and risk assessment, first aid, survival and emergency procedures, environmental requirements, codes of practice and field protocols

vehicles, monitoring and communication equipment, consumables and manuals.

Assessors must satisfy the assessor competency requirements that are in place at the time of the assessment as set by the VET regulator.

The assessor must demonstrate both technical competence and currency.

Technical competence can be demonstrated through:

relevant VET or other qualification/Statement of Attainment AND/OR

relevant workplace experience.

Currency can be demonstrated through:

performing the competency being assessed as part of current employment OR

having consulted with a laboratory about performing the competency being assessed within the last twelve months.

Submission Requirements

List each assessment task's title, type (eg project, observation/demonstration, essay, assingnment, checklist) and due date here

Assessment task 1: [title]      Due date:

(add new lines for each of the assessment tasks)

Assessment Tasks

Copy and paste from the following data to produce each assessment task. Write these in plain English and spell out how, when and where the task is to be carried out, under what conditions, and what resources are needed. Include guidelines about how well the candidate has to perform a task for it to be judged satisfactory.

Elements describe the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.


Confirm monitoring requirements with supervising staff


Clarify the purpose, objectives and the preferred site for the remote-sensing activities


Review all emergency and hazard/risk assessments, site safety and environmental requirements, and data quality procedures for the field activities


Clarify details of all field parameters to be monitored and the preferred monitoring and data quality procedures


Confirm final data formats will suit stakeholders who receive or use the data


Clarify details of any statutory requirements that apply to the site and associated field activities


Review existing remote-sensing monitoring protocols, and siting standards or associated in-house requirements which relate to the field activities


Assemble remote-sensing field monitoring system


Identify required instruments, equipment and consumables and associated maintenance and replacement procedures


Identify site access, services and security requirements and any site constraints


Complete all administrative requirements and obtain appropriate approvals


Confirm required instrument calibration and data storage, handling and transfer systems


Field-check site suitability for monitoring activities and define alternative sites as necessary


Assemble remote-sensing monitoring system and check all components under laboratory conditions


Organise and establish the remote-sensing monitoring site


Identify, and confirm with senior staff, all resources required for operation of monitoring system in the field


Confirm that all safety, emergency and risk assessment requirements and data quality procedures have been correctly applied to the field activities


Ensure correct packaging and transportation of equipment and instruments to defined field site


Establish remote monitoring station


Test operation of total system under field conditions


Operate and maintain monitoring site


Undertake regular or emergency inspections of the site according to set procedures


Undertake calibration checks according to written instructions


Inspect and maintain all instruments, equipment and data systems and organise replacement of defective items


Perform all field and laboratory activities safely and with minimal impact on the environment


Document all site visits and associated actions


Review the total monitoring activity on a regular basis and implement any required modifications or improvements


Close down field monitoring activities


Confirm decision to close down site and finalise all data requirements with supervising staff


Dismantle monitoring system and arrange checking, packaging and transportation of all equipment and instruments back to base


Close down site in accordance with workplace and environmental requirements


Hand back site and inform all relevant authorities


Test, decontaminate, if required, and store all equipment appropriately


Document all close-down actions

This field allows for different work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on the work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item, and local industry and regional contexts) are included.

Standards, codes, procedures and/or workplace requirements

Standards, codes, procedures and/or workplace requirements include the latest version of one or more of:

Australian and international standards covering the requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, laboratory safety and occupational clothing, quality management, environmental management and transport emergency procedures

national work health and safety (WHS) standards and codes of practice, national measurement regulations and guidelines, and national environment protection measures

specific codes, guidelines, procedures and methods, such as the principles of good laboratory practice (GLP), Australian Dangerous Goods Code, Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) Codes of Practice; and Government policies, such as sustainable development and impact assessment

workplace documents, such as standard operating procedures (SOPs); quality and equipment manuals; instrument fault-finding procedures; calibration and maintenance schedules; material safety data sheets (MSDS) and safety procedures; incident/accident/injury report forms; laboratory schedules; workplace recording and reporting procedures; field protocols, procedures, note books and log books; and waste minimisation and safe disposal procedures

standard methods for sampling, remote-sensing/monitoring protocols, data quality procedures and site-specific requirements

Remote-sensing monitoring activities

Remote-sensing monitoring activities include, but are not limited to, one or more of:

meteorology (e.g. temperature, humidity and wind)

geology/mining (e.g. movement of structures, vibration and blast shock waves)

hydrology (e.g. water flow and water depth in catchment)

environmental (e.g. air quality, water quality and noise)

civil engineering (e.g. temperature, displacement and/or hydrostatic pressure on structures and movement of ions in structures)

Instruments and equipment

Instruments and equipment include, but are not limited to, one or more of:

navigation and communication equipment, such as compass, maps, global positioning system (GPS), two-way radio and mobile phone

sampling and autosampling equipment for air, water, stormwater, wastewater and sewage

instruments that measure air pollutants, such as oxides of carbon, oxides of sulphur, oxides of nitrogen, hydrocarbons and particulates (PM10, PM2.5 total suspended), and ozone

instruments that measure water quantity and/or hydrological parameters, such as flow, dissolved oxygen (DO), electrical conductivity, pH, turbidity, nitrates, phosphates and temperature

instruments that measure meteorological parameters, such as pressure, minimum and maximum temperature, wet and dry bulb temperatures, humidity, rainfall, and wind speed and direction

instruments that measure sound pressure levels, such as noise or sound pressure meter

instruments that measure displacement or durability of civil engineering structures and consolidation, such as load cells, inclinometers, pieziometers, strain gauges and accelerometers

Communication and consultation strategies

Communication and consultation strategies include:

face-to-face and/or telephone conversations

meetings and written documents

Purpose of field monitoring activities

Purposes of field monitoring activities include, but are not limited to, one or more of:

single or multiple site monitoring

component of workplace environmental management plan

remote-sensing monitoring of physical/chemical and mechanical/geotechnical parameters

monitoring of consolidation of soils and foundations

monitoring the durability of structures (e.g. roads)

requirement to comply with statutory requirements

requirement to comply with industry sampling/monitoring protocols/codes of practice

Administrative requirements and appropriate approvals

Administrative requirements and appropriate approvals include, but are not limited to, one or more of:

travel requisitions

authority for use of vehicles and equipment



Site safety and environmental requirements

Site safety and environmental requirements include, but are not limited to, one or more of:

use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as sunscreen, hats, safety glasses, gloves, coveralls and safety boots

'stay with vehicle' and other survival techniques

following a regular communication schedule

using GPS, maps and aerial photos

handling, storing and disposing of all hazardous materials/waste in accordance with MSDS, labels, workplace procedures, codes and regulations

regular cleaning of vehicles and equipment to prevent transfer of pests and contaminants

driving vehicles to minimise soil erosion and damage to fauna and vegetation

WHS and environmental management requirements

WHS and environmental management requirements include:

· complying with WHS and environmental management requirements at all times, which may be imposed through state/territory or federal legislation. These requirements must not be compromised at any time

· applying standard precautions relating to the potentially hazardous nature of samples

Evidence of competence in this unit must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria, and include demonstration of:

organising and safely undertaking defined field-based, remote-sensing monitoring activities on at least two (2) occasions

accurately identifying and interpreting statutory requirements

safely undertaking reconnaissance and evaluating monitoring sites

confirming type, quantity and quality of data needed for defined monitoring activities

safely packaging and transporting supplies, equipment and instruments into the field

identifying and establishing a secure field monitoring site according to defined criteria

assembling, testing and closing down a field-based, remote-sensing monitoring system on-site

performing calibration and pre-use checks and maintaining equipment and systems in accordance with workplace procedures

operating the monitoring system to collect and store reliable data in accordance with workplace and data quality procedures

communicating effectively and efficiently with staff and other relevant parties and negotiating satisfactory agreements

responding effectively to changed or unforeseen circumstances

recognising hazards and risks and following all safety and environmental requirements.

Must provide evidence that demonstrates knowledge of:

terminology, protocols and statutory requirements relevant to field-based environmental monitoring activities conducted as part of job role

purpose and objectives of the monitoring activities conducted as part of job role, including:

information and analysis required

end users of information

significance of outcomes for broader programs

operating principles, technical capabilities and limitations of remote-sensing equipment and instruments used

basic fault identification and rectification procedures for field instruments and monitoring system

data quality, data storage, analysis and presentation procedures

workplace and/or legal traceability requirements

hazards and risks associated with field-based, remote-sensing monitoring

field-based work health and safety (WHS) requirements, emergency plans and environmental requirements.

Judgment of competence must be based on holistic assessment of the evidence. Assessment methods must confirm consistency of performance over time, rather than a single assessment event.

This unit of competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated workplace environment. A simulated workplace environment must reflect realistic operational workplace conditions that cover all aspects of workplace performance, including the environment, task skills, task management skills, contingency management skills and job role environment skills.

Foundation skills are integral to competent performance of the unit and should not be assessed separately.

Assessment processes and techniques must be appropriate to the language, literacy and numeracy requirements of the work being performed and the needs of the candidate.

Knowledge evidence may be collected concurrently with performance evidence or through an independent process, such as workbooks, written assessments or interviews (provided a record is kept in each case).

This unit of competency may be assessed with:

MSL935004 Maintain instruments and equipment

Holistic assessment methods include:

review of data and results obtained by the candidate

feedback from supervisors and peers about the candidate’s performance in the field

observation of the candidate assembling, conducting calibration and pre-use checks and operating a field-based, remote-sensing monitoring system on-site to collect and store reliable data

review of the candidate’s response to simulation exercises, such as accident and emergency situations, and/or checking and testing equipment

oral and/or written questions covering specifications, requirements, workplace procedures and equipment/instruments used for monitoring activities conducted as part of job role.

Access is required to instruments, equipment, materials, workplace documentation, procedures and specifications associated with this unit, including, but not limited to:

work program, workplace procedures covering safety and risk assessment, first aid, survival and emergency procedures, environmental requirements, codes of practice and field protocols

vehicles, monitoring and communication equipment, consumables and manuals.

Assessors must satisfy the assessor competency requirements that are in place at the time of the assessment as set by the VET regulator.

The assessor must demonstrate both technical competence and currency.

Technical competence can be demonstrated through:

relevant VET or other qualification/Statement of Attainment AND/OR

relevant workplace experience.

Currency can be demonstrated through:

performing the competency being assessed as part of current employment OR

having consulted with a laboratory about performing the competency being assessed within the last twelve months.

Copy and paste from the following performance criteria to create an observation checklist for each task. When you have finished writing your assessment tool every one of these must have been addressed, preferably several times in a variety of contexts. To ensure this occurs download the assessment matrix for the unit; enter each assessment task as a column header and place check marks against each performance criteria that task addresses.

Observation Checklist

Tasks to be observed according to workplace/college/TAFE policy and procedures, relevant legislation and Codes of Practice Yes No Comments/feedback
Clarify the purpose, objectives and the preferred site for the remote-sensing activities 
Review all emergency and hazard/risk assessments, site safety and environmental requirements, and data quality procedures for the field activities 
Clarify details of all field parameters to be monitored and the preferred monitoring and data quality procedures 
Confirm final data formats will suit stakeholders who receive or use the data 
Clarify details of any statutory requirements that apply to the site and associated field activities 
Review existing remote-sensing monitoring protocols, and siting standards or associated in-house requirements which relate to the field activities 
Identify required instruments, equipment and consumables and associated maintenance and replacement procedures 
Identify site access, services and security requirements and any site constraints 
Complete all administrative requirements and obtain appropriate approvals 
Confirm required instrument calibration and data storage, handling and transfer systems 
Field-check site suitability for monitoring activities and define alternative sites as necessary 
Assemble remote-sensing monitoring system and check all components under laboratory conditions 
Identify, and confirm with senior staff, all resources required for operation of monitoring system in the field 
Confirm that all safety, emergency and risk assessment requirements and data quality procedures have been correctly applied to the field activities 
Ensure correct packaging and transportation of equipment and instruments to defined field site 
Establish remote monitoring station 
Test operation of total system under field conditions 
Undertake regular or emergency inspections of the site according to set procedures 
Undertake calibration checks according to written instructions 
Inspect and maintain all instruments, equipment and data systems and organise replacement of defective items 
Perform all field and laboratory activities safely and with minimal impact on the environment 
Document all site visits and associated actions 
Review the total monitoring activity on a regular basis and implement any required modifications or improvements 
Confirm decision to close down site and finalise all data requirements with supervising staff 
Dismantle monitoring system and arrange checking, packaging and transportation of all equipment and instruments back to base 
Close down site in accordance with workplace and environmental requirements 
Hand back site and inform all relevant authorities 
Test, decontaminate, if required, and store all equipment appropriately 
Document all close-down actions 


Assessment Cover Sheet

MSL974009 - Undertake field-based, remote-sensing monitoring
Assessment task 1: [title]

Student name:

Student ID:

I declare that the assessment tasks submitted for this unit are my own work.

Student signature:

Result: Competent Not yet competent

Feedback to student









Assessor name:



Assessment Record Sheet

MSL974009 - Undertake field-based, remote-sensing monitoring

Student name:

Student ID:

Assessment task 1: [title] Result: Competent Not yet competent

(add lines for each task)

Feedback to student:









Overall assessment result: Competent Not yet competent

Assessor name:



Student signature:
