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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Carry out preliminary planning activities for revegetation works
  2. Prepare a staged plan of work

Range Statement

Performance Evidence

The candidate must be assessed on their ability to integrate and apply the performance requirements of this unit in a workplace setting. Performance must be demonstrated consistently over time and in a suitable range of contexts.

The candidate must provide evidence that they can:

plan the implementation of revegetation works

investigate site access and establishment issues

plan for environmental impacts of site work practices and minimise safety risks to workers and the public

assess site for opportunities and constraints associated with implementation of revegetation works

establish the purpose and client preferences for the site to be revegetated

carry out a site visit and confirm any planning requirements

develop a plan for the site, detailing the resources required and the program of works

develop schedules for the establishment and maintenance phases of the project

document the staged implementation plan

incorporate seasonal factors and impacts in the staging strategy to allow for planting, supply and care, wet day access, machinery use, fire hazards and establishment

include work health and safety practices in plan

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

the role of revegetation works in the restoration of the environment

the environmental issues associated with undertaking revegetation works, how to comply with legislation and ensure that the impact on the environment is minimal, including:

principles of ecology including specific native plant and animal relationships and habitat requirements

identification, propagation and establishment techniques of specific native plant species

chemical, cultural and biological weed and feral animal control techniques

soil conservation and enhancement techniques and their advantages and disadvantages in reference to specific sites and habitats

soil erosion control and stormwater management techniques

maintenance requirements and practices for native plants prior to and after initial establishment

growth habits and cultural requirements of specific native plants under a range of soil and environmental conditions

site evaluation techniques including methods of analysing soils, waterways and their condition

practical understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of options for revegetation procedures

work health and safety hazards associated with undertaking revegetation works and the controls necessary to remove or minimise risks associated with them

contract documents including specifications, plans of landscape works, services, supplies and surveyors documents