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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Determine relevant regional data and site characteristics
  2. Define the requirements for plant nutrition
  3. Document the soil health and plant nutrition program and specifications
  4. Monitor plant growth and evaluate the program

Range Statement

Performance Evidence

The candidate must be assessed on their ability to integrate and apply the performance requirements of this unit in a workplace setting. Performance must be demonstrated consistently over time and in a suitable range of contexts.

The candidate must provide evidence that they can:

access and analyse information on regional site factors

assess the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of soils

assess the physical, nutritional and health requirements of plants

develop a soil, plant and water testing program

develop a program to achieve appropriate soil conditions and nutrient availability for plant growth, incorporating a soil heath and plant nutrition plan

research and analyse findings on plant nutritional requirements, nutrients available from soils and other growth media, and environmental implications of program

select suitable management practices, soil amendments, additives and fertilisers

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

principles and practices of soil health and plant nutrition

characteristics of soil and other growth media types, uses and additives to enhance available nutrition for specific plants

main simple and compound fertiliser products available to enterprise, including analysis, solubility, salt index, application rates and costs

methods of nutrient uptake by plants and favourable conditions for effective uptake to occur

nutrients and water required by plants grown within enterprise and effects of nutrient deficiency and toxicity on individual plant species and varieties

visual and other symptoms of nutrient deficiency and toxicity on individual plant species and varieties

organic matter, pest and disease, and nutrient interactions in soil and nutrient cycling

environmental issues associated with selecting nutritional materials, implementing a plant nutrition program, legislation compliance requirements and ensuring minimal impact on environment

the following types of relationships between soil and growth media characteristics and availability of nutrients to plants: macro and micro elements

the following types of site evaluation techniques: methods of sampling and analysing soils and other growth media

soil amendments commonly required to treat soil problems experienced by enterprise