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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Identify existing and potential pests, diseases and disorders in the permaculture system
  2. Research pest, disease and disorder prevention methods
  3. Develop a pest and disease management program
  4. Implement the pest and disease management program
  5. Monitor and record the management of plant pests, diseases and disorders over time

Range Statement

Performance Evidence

The candidate must be assessed on their ability to integrate and apply the performance requirements of this unit in a workplace setting. Performance must be demonstrated consistently over time and in a suitable range of contexts.

The candidate must provide evidence that they can:

identify existing and potential pests, diseases and disorders in the system

research methods of managing pests, diseases and disorders in a permaculture system

develop a pest and disease management plan

implement a pest and disease management plan

monitor pest and disease managements

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

permaculture principles and practices related to managing plant pests, diseases and disorders

principles of maintaining healthy permaculture crops, such as:

companion planting

increasing diversity

providing habitat and food for pests’ natural predators

healthy, balanced soil

minimal use of soluble fertilisers

allowable control methods in organic systems, such as

deterrent organic sprays

pheromone traps and lures

predatory and/or parasitic insects, mites and other organisms as part of biological control

nutrient additives

crop rotation

covers and netting

BT (Bacilllus thuringiensis) and other action-specific micro-organisms

symptoms of disease and disorders in plants

care needed to avoid transferring infections (such as through grafting and pruning practices)

stages of development of pest organisms and signs of pest presence on plants and animals

planting for insectivorous birds, lizards, frogs and microbats

fungal, bacterial and viral infestations and their symptoms

disease vectors and plants that harbor them

companion planting

succession planting