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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Elements define the essential outcomes
  2. Monitor employment opportunities for people with disability
  3. Prepare people with disability for employment
  4. Match workplace or job and person with a disability
  5. Provide initial and ongoing support

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

researched and documented potential employment opportunities for people with disability

assisted at least 3 people with disability gain employment, including:

assessing needs of both the employer and the job seeker

making suitable matches based on assessment of needs and job analysis

addressing all information needs and WHS issues both for the workplace and the job seeker

used effective communication skills and strengths-based person-centred approaches

undertaken a process of making reasonable adjustments to at least 2 jobs to meet the specific needs of both people with disability and employers.

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively manage tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:

legal and ethical considerations (national, state/territory) for delivering employment services, and how these are applied in organisations:

codes of practice


duty of care

equal employment opportunity (EEO)

privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

policy frameworks – current approaches to disability employment

records management

specific legislation, relevant deeds and their application to disability employment services contracting, including:

disability services Acts

role as delegate of the Commonwealth

work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations

work health and safety – potential issues and risks associated with different types of work and different types of disability

history and recent developments in disability:

social versus medical model of service

institutionalised versus person-centred, self-directed model of support

social constructs of disability and the impact of own attitudes on working with people with disabilities

principles of:


rights-based approaches

person-centred practices

strengths-based approaches


active support

active listening

social justice, and the importance of knowing and respecting each person as an individual

types of disability, and their broad impact in relation to employment, including:

acquired brain injury

autism spectrum disorder

cognitive disability

developmental delay

intellectual disability

mental or psychiatric disability

neurological impairment

physical disability

sensory disability

speech or language disability

sources of information on the labour market and employment opportunities

current and emerging labour market characteristics, including:

current and projected skills shortages

local labour market information, including industry make up, employment growth areas, skills in demand

vacancy reporting

unemployment and job seeker data

recruitment analysis

ways of supporting employment for people with disability, including:

making reasonable adjustments or disability-specific accommodations

re-design of jobs

information and training for others in the workplace

information and training for the person with disability

ongoing support options

incentives and other assistance available to employers and workers

industrial relations information relevant to employment services and disability, including:

awards and their application

individual contracts

registered agreements

wage/salary systems relating to employment for people with disability

role of industrial parties – unions, employer organisations, industrial commissions

communication techniques that support relationship building and collaboration, including:

active listening

