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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Establish cardinal points by day using the sun
  2. Establish cardinal points by night using celestial aids
  3. Employ improvised direction measuring techniques
  4. Employ improvised time measuring techniques
  5. Employ improvised distance measuring techniques
  6. Determine overall position relative to start point and navigate back
  7. Establish cardinal points by day using the sun
  8. Establish cardinal points by night using celestial aids
  9. Employ improvised direction measuring techniques
  10. Employ improvised time measuring techniques
  11. Employ improvised distance measuring techniques
  12. Determine overall position relative to start point and navigate back

Performance Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria. If not otherwise specified the candidate must demonstrate evidence of performance of the following on at least one occasion.

identifying celestial bodies


five kilometres within a solar day, which may be broken into legs of not less than one kilometre, but must include at least four legs, as part of a navigation circuit; on completion, navigators are to submit a vector diagram detailing their final position relative to their start point accurate to within 10% (of distance and direction)

five kilometres within eight hours at night, which may be broken into legs of not less than one kilometre, but must include at least four legs, as part of a navigation circuit; on completion, navigators are to submit a vector diagram detailing their final position relative to their start point accurate to within 10% (of distance and direction)

locating cardinal points and true north

by day: make adjustments for the shadow arc, dependent upon the time, when using only a partial segment of a solar day (maximum twenty minute fix) to locate the cardinal points; and to indicate true north to within 10% with a sun compass, using a twenty minute fix

by night: implement contingency skills when there is partial cloud in the night sky; and to employ five different celestial body indication techniques to locate the cardinal points, either directly or through extrapolation via the celestial pole

Knowledge Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria. If not otherwise specified the depth of knowledge demonstrated must be appropriate to the job context of the candidate.

angles (in degrees)

basic physics (velocity/distance/time)

cardinal points (magnetic and true)

earth’s orbit and rotation in relation to the sun and night sky, including the celestial pole phenomenon

mathematical calculations including:

distance travelled:

velocity x time

pace length x number of paces

elapsed time:

rate of (apparent) movement of sun (15 degrees/hour x solar angle subtended)

rate of (apparent) movement of night sky around the celestial pole (15 degrees/hour x angle subtended by nominated celestial body)