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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Prepare for patrol
  2. Carry out patrol
  3. Respond to complaints or breaches

Performance Evidence

A person demonstrating competency in this unit must satisfy all of the elements, performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit. If a specific volume or frequency is not stated below, then evidence must be provided that the following requirements have been performed on at least one occasion:

prepare for a patrol ensuring communication links are established, appropriate notification of intended patrol route and area

prepare and communicate contingency plans of one or more of the following:

search and rescue of lost members of the public and colleagues

recovery of vehicles

clearing of roads

evacuation plans

bush fire control assistance to emergency services or other government agencies

administration of first aid.

carry out a patrol, identifying and assessing risks and hazards, and demonstrating appropriate response procedures

respond to complaints and breaches of legislation, including

unauthorised use of roads to which public access is restricted

unauthorised use of firearms by members of the public

damage or theft of the forest estate by members of the public

illegal activities by members of the public, particularly in campsites

report forest patrol activity

follow applicable legal, regulatory and organisational requirements, and codes of practice for patrolling a forest

Knowledge Evidence

A person competent in this unit must be able to demonstrate knowledge of:

applicable regulations, standards, codes of practice and established safe practices relevant to patrolling a forest

organisational and site standards, requirements, policies and procedures for patrolling a forest

environmental risks and hazards typically found in a forest, and on patrol of a forest

typical types, use and maintenance of communications equipment

navigating using a map or a GPS

the geography of the patrol area

formats and procedures for collecting and documenting evidence that includes:




typical complaints and breaches, and appropriate response procedures and follow-up actions including:

unauthorised use of roads or entry to areas to which public access is restricted

unauthorised use of firearms by members of the public

damage or theft of the forest estate by members of the public

illegal activities by members of the public, particularly in campsites

procedures for recording and reporting workplace information.