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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Elements define the essential outcomes
  2. Perform pre-hospital/out-of-hospital patient assessment
  3. Identify variations in physical health status
  4. Plan pre-hospital/out-of-hospital patient care
  5. Implement pre-hospital/out-of-hospital patient care procedures
  6. Monitor and evaluate pre-hospital/out-of-hospital patient care
  7. Hand over patient requiring pre-hospital/out-of-hospital patient care to receiving facility

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

• performed the activities outlined in the performance criteria of this unit during a period of at least 160 hours under clinical supervision in the workplace

• performed a clinical assessment and implemented standard care in a pre-hospital/out-of-hospital context on 5 different patients for an illness or trauma impacting health status including:

- performing primary survey

- performing secondary survey – systematic head to toe physical body examination including vital signs and level of consciousness

- considering psychosocial, developmental and cultural considerations

- considering mechanism of injury, pattern of injury and potential for injury

- planning and implementing standard clinical care based on assessment and time-criticality

- monitoring patient and implementing health care procedures and/or therapies

- safely delivering patient to receiving facility or service

• implemented the following standard clinical care interventions under a variety of conditions and circumstances within the established clinical guidelines and protocols:

- providing airway management for a patient

- attaching leads, recording and interpreting an electrocardiograph (ECG) to analyse cardiac dysrhythmia

- performing manual direct current counter shock on an adult simulation manikin according to established clinical guidelines and protocols

- administering and responding to the effects of pharmacological therapy to treat and manage patient’s illness or condition

• performed advanced life support on an adult, child and infant simulation manikin according to established clinical guidelines and protocols.

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:

• assessment and interpretation of vital signs

• advanced life support and advanced resuscitation, including procedures and equipment used as specified within established clinical guidelines and protocols

• critical thinking and diagnostic reasoning techniques and processes:

- process of critical questioning including purposeful, informed questioning in the clinical setting to make sense of the information presented at the scene of injury or illness

- process of diagnostic reasoning in the clinical setting, which requires careful identification of key problems, issues and the risks involved in responding to patient needs

- potential impacts of a range of factors in relation to identified body systems and their components

o internal (such as physical, mental, emotional factors)

o external (for example, in relation to specific patient assessment procedures)

- concept of rapid stabilisation and transport including:

o golden hour

o chain of survival

o time critical

o priority status

o transport consideration – for example, ground or aeromedical

• causes and effects of trauma including:

- kinematics of trauma

- blunt, penetrating, falls, blasts and motor vehicle accidents

- crush injuries and compartment syndrome

- physical laws of energy exchange (Newton’s laws of motion)

- cavitation

- impact and clinical consideration for trauma to pregnant person

• common environmental emergencies

• how to accurately obtain and document patient medical history including, pre-existing conditions, allergies, social and emotional wellbeing and current medication or treatment plans to provide to receiving health facility workers

• national and State/Territory legal and ethical considerations for emergency health care workers relevant to pre-hospital/out-of-hospital care, and how these are applied in organisations including:

- children in the workplace

- continuing professional education

- discrimination

- duty of care

- human rights

- informed consent

- mandatory reporting

- practice standards

- practitioner/client boundaries

- privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

- specific Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation or regulation for health care workers including covering, for example:

o children and young people

o anti-discrimination

o disability

o health, drugs and poisons

o mental health

o health records and information privacy

o industrial relations

- National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards

- work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations

- work health and safety

• organisation policies, procedures and established clinical guidelines and protocols for patient care and emergency equipment

• pharmacology therapy and concepts underpinning pharmacology:

- pharmacological agents for the management of common disorders

- pharmacokinetics including routes of administration – enteral, parenteral, inhalation, topical

- preparation, properties, uses and actions of pharmacology

- pharmacology terminology

- absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of pharmacological products by the body

- pharmacodynamics- pharmacological interactions

- safe storage, handling and disposal of pharmacological products

- jurisdictional protocols and guidelines associated with administration, duration, magnitude and pharmacological response

• primary survey and secondary survey

• variations from normal functioning of body systems involving anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology, including:

- pathophysiology of integumentary system including:

o compromised integumentary system burns trauma or injury caused by the interaction of energy (thermal, chemical, electrical, or radiation)

o pathophysiology of burns injuries, local and systemic responses and burn shock

o classifications of burns injury and extent and severity of burns injury

- pathophysiology of musculo-skeletal injury including:

o soft tissue injury

o causes and types of fractures, dislocations, strains and sprains

- pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system including:

o cardiovascular insult

o how to interpret and analyse dysrhythmias and apply electric shock to obtain normal rhythm – for example asystole, ventricular fibrillations, ventricular tachycardia or heart block

o classifications and complications of shock including hypovolaemia, cardiogenic and distributive

- pathophysiology of the neurovascular system including:

o brain injury including – concussion, contusion, Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI), haematomas

o traumatic brain injury including – primary and secondary injury, cerebral perfusion, raised intracranial pressure, herniation, cerebral agitation or irritation

o cerebral thrombosis, transient ischaemic attack (TIA), cerebral embolism and cerebral haemorrhage

o dementia

o seizures and febrile convulsions

o autonomic dysreflexia

- poisoning, envenomation or overdose emergencies including:

o neurotoxins, myotoxins, haemotoxins, illicit drugs

o chemical, biological and radiological

- pathophysiology of the respiratory system including:

o differences in paediatric and adult airways

o thoracic disorders or trauma

o respiratory disorders including asthma, acute respiratory distress syndrome, croup, epiglottis, pneumonia, emphysema, chronic obstructive airway disease

o gas laws and gas exchange (Boyle, Dalton, Charles, Henry)

o external and internal ventilation and respiration

o principles of lung volumes – minute volume and oxygenation

- pathophysiology of the digestive and endocrine system including:

o abdominal disorders including diabetes mellitus, thyroid and adrenal gland conditions

o nutritional disorders, appendicitis, gastroenteritis and hepatitis

o abdominal trauma including visceral, referred and somatic pain, gastro-intestinal bleeding

- processes of metabolism including:

o cellular respiration

o anaerobic and aerobic energy production

- pathophysiology of the urinary and reproductive system including:

o acute and chronic renal failure and obstetric and gynaecological disorders (for example, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, vaginal haemorrhage, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis)

o stages of labour – pre-delivery emergencies and post-delivery emergencies

o assessing neonate body temperature and Apgar scores

• situations where the patient requires treatment that is outside the scope or authority to practice of the attending worker.