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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Elements define the essential outcomes
  2. Prepare equipment for use
  3. Prepare client for holter monitor
  4. Prepare for monitor recording
  5. Process holter monitor trace
  6. Complete holter monitor process

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

followed established technical, infection control and safety requirements and produced at least 3 different holter monitor traces satisfactory for diagnostic purposes

identified and responded appropriately to situations of interference, increased amplitude or wandering baseline

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:

legal and ethical considerations for holter monitoring, and how these are applied in organisations, including:

children in the workplace

duty of care

informed consent

mandatory reporting

privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

records management

work role boundaries

work health and safety

standard infection control requirements

client factors that affect holter monitor testing, including:

physical limitations

respiratory function

features, function and use of holter monitor equipment, including:

pre-checking procedures

electrical safety requirements

common problems and how to respond

routine maintenance requirements

sources of interference:



quality requirements for a holter monitor trace

anatomy and physiology relevant for performance of holter monitoring testing and interpretation