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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Assess options and select actions
  2. Set down procedures and expectations for staff
  3. Implement performance evaluation and monitoring systems
  4. Assess options and select actions
  5. Set down procedures and expectations for staff
  6. Implement performance evaluation and monitoring systems

Performance Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria. If not otherwise specified the candidate must demonstrate evidence of performance of the following on at least one occasion.

planning, analysis and evaluation relating to fraud and corruption risk control

ensuring compliance of activities with fraud/corruption control plan and fraud/corruption control strategy

consulting with staff or personnel responsible for relevant activities or components of the activities specified

using communication, consultation and negotiation styles to suit different audiences and purposes

writing reports requiring formal language and structure on the effectiveness of fraud and corruption control activities

managing widespread dissemination of activities in the agency

Knowledge Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria. If not otherwise specified the depth of knowledge demonstrated must be appropriate to the job context of the candidate.

jurisdictional fraud and corruption control requirements

agency fraud and corruption control strategy

best practice initiatives in fraud and corruption control

client base and any history of fraud and corruption against the agency

control testing and evaluation

agency structure and core business activities

fraud and corruption risk factors in the organisation, agency clients, and any history of fraud and corruption in or against the agency

anti-discrimination and diversity legislation

legislation and procedures relating to public interest disclosures, protected disclosures or whistleblowing

legislation, policies and procedures relating to fraud and corruption control