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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Apply information relating to the machinery of Government
  2. Apply knowledge of organisational functions
  3. Apply knowledge of protocols
  4. Apply information relating to the machinery of Government
  5. Apply knowledge of organisational functions
  6. Apply knowledge of protocols

Performance Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria. If not otherwise specified the candidate must demonstrate evidence of performance of the following on at least one occasion.

locating and accessing information

acquiring, retaining and recalling information

applying information and protocols

discarding redundant information

dealing with ambiguity and machinery of Government changes

communicating with a diverse workforce

Knowledge Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence must satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria. If not otherwise specified the depth of knowledge demonstrated must be appropriate to the job context of the candidate.

Westminster System

separation of powers

systems of government

Parliamentary structures (bicameral/unicameral)

role and function of Parliament

role and structures of Parliamentary committees

application of statutory requirements imposed by central agencies, including Treasury, Premiers, Prime Minister and Cabinet

Parliamentary procedures impacting on the organisation (including petitions, Ministerial statements, Question Time, Questions without Notice, Questions on Notice)

Parliamentary process and how it affects operational objectives and timeframes

Cabinet processes

Bill to Act process

Machinery of Government and administrative arrangements

range and type of legislation relating to the public sector including occupational health and safety

public sector code/s of ethics, code/s of conduct and statements of values