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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Identify rail safety report needs
  2. Reasons for and requirements of rail safety report are identified and established procedures for specific types of report are followed
  3. Target audience for report is identified and appropriate style of recording and reporting is chosen to meet audience needs
  4. Timeframe for delivery of report is identified and met
  5. Collect and analyse information
  6. Information is sourced from inside and outside the organisation in accordance with organisational and legislative requirements
  7. Information is validated to ensure accuracy, relevance, sufficiency and currency
  8. Collected information is analysed and recorded in accordance with organisational requirements and identified report requirements
  9. Record information
  10. Collected information is recorded and reported in required format, style, structure and timeframe
  11. Technology available in the workplace is used to store and retrieve data
  12. Appropriate measures are taken to ensure all written material complies with legislative requirements and organisational policies and procedures
  13. Compose rail safety reports
  14. Rail safety report purpose, objectives and format are determined in accordance with organisational and regulatory requirements
  15. Sourced information is collated in a logical manner and assessed for relevance and inclusion
  16. Content, structure and sequencing of materials are determined in line with purpose and intended audience
  17. Actions and/or recommendations are included as required
  18. Rail safety report is compiled and reviewed to confirm objectives, and organisational and legislative requirements
  19. Rail safety report is completed within agreed timeframes
  20. Edit final report
  21. Content of final report is checked and proofread for grammar, spelling and punctuation
  22. Information is amended as required, and final report is authorised in accordance with organisational policy and procedures prior to submission
  23. Information is amended, as required, and final report is authorised in accordance with organisational policy and procedures prior to submission

Performance Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria on at least one occasion and include:

adjusting written communication to suit audience and situation

applying appropriate written communication techniques

applying relevant legislation and workplace procedures

checking and confirming accuracy and validity of information

collecting and analysing data

handling and storing information securely and safely, with an awareness of environmental and sustainable practices

making conclusions that are clearly based on evidence

presenting written material in a range of media types used in the workplace

reading, analysing and interpreting documents containing required information

recording complete, accurate, clear and objective information

sorting information into a logical pattern

writing and editing a rail safety report.

Knowledge Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria and include knowledge of:

applicable state/territory legislative requirements and safety reporting obligations

barriers to effective communication

format and layout of documents and forms used in workplace rail safety reports

industry terminology used in rail safety sectors

organisational report writing procedures, guidelines and requirements

protocols and procedures for meeting regulator and organisational requirements in written communications

security, freedom and confidentiality of information

workplace procedures and instructions for notifiable occurrence reports.