
Total number of units = 14 units

14 core units

Core units

add topic MARF001

Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment

add topic MARF002

Follow procedures to minimise and fight fires on board a vessel

add topic MARF004

Meet work health and safety requirements

add topic MARM002

Apply vessel construction theory to marine survey tasks

add topic MARM005

Assess compliance with marine environment protection requirements

add topic MARM006

Assist in the survey of commercial vessels

add topic MARM007

Assist in the survey of vessel mechanical features

add topic MARM008

Evaluate vessel stability

add topic MARM009

Implement a systematic approach to the audit of safety management systems

add topic MARM010

Survey lifesaving appliances, fire and other safety systems

add topic CHCCOM002

Use communication to build relationships

add topic PSPGOV417A

Identify and treat risks

add topic PSPGOV421A

Exercise delegations

add topic PSPREG401C

Exercise regulatory powers

Entry Requirements

There are no entry requirements for this qualification.