
Total number of units = 21 units

21 core units

add topic MARA003

Manage loading, discharging and stowage of cargo

add topic MARA004

Manage vessel stability

add topic MARB005

Slip or dock a vessel and maintain hull on a vessel up to 80 metres

add topic MARB010

Plan and supervise routine maintenance on a vessel up to 80 metres

add topic MARC011

Manage a propulsion unit using appropriate engine systems and support services

add topic MARC012

Monitor and manage vessel operations

add topic MARC014

Operate deck machinery and steering gear on a vessel up to 80 metres

add topic MARF001

Apply basic survival skills in the event of vessel abandonment

add topic MARF002

Follow procedures to minimise and fight fires on board a vessel

add topic MARF004

Meet work health and safety requirements

add topic MARF005

Survive at sea using survival craft

add topic MARF010

Work safely in confined spaces on a vessel

add topic MARG002

Manage a small crew

add topic MARH003

Manage and maintain a navigational watch on board vessels up to 80 metres

add topic MARH004

Plan and navigate a passage for a vessel up to 80 metres

add topic MARH005

Use wheelhouse equipment for safe navigation

add topic MARH006

Forecast weather and oceanographic conditions

add topic MARI002

Observe regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel up to 80 metres

add topic MARJ002

Monitor environmental management on a vessel

add topic MARK003

Manoeuvre a vessel up to 80 metres

add topic MARN004

Manage seaworthiness of a vessel up to 80 metres

Entry Requirements

Not applicable.