Statement of Attainment

These competencies from the MSF Training Package meet the minimum industry requirements for the installation of fitted furniture within the furnishing industry.


Persons having documented relevant industry experience or completed any Certificate III from the MSF Training Package or other aligned industry training packages and are now required to upskill to ensure installation of fitted furniture meets WHS and Australian standards related to the manufacture and installation of fitted furniture.


The Fitted Furniture Installer consists of:

add topic MSFKB3002

Determine requirements for installation of cabinets/upholstered items

add topic MSFKB3003

Check and measure fit of cabinets

add topic MSFKB3004

Conduct on-site adjustments to cabinets and components

add topic MSFKB3006

Install fitted cabinets and components

add topic MSFFT4001

Coordinate on-site installation of furnishing products


These competencies can provide credit towards relevant Certificate IV qualifications from the MSF Furnishing Training Package.