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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Elements define the essential outcomes
  2. Prepare the patient for oral health care procedures during conscious sedation
  3. Select and prepare equipment, instruments, materials and medicaments applicable to the oral health care procedures during conscious sedation
  4. Assist a patient undergoing oral health care procedures during conscious sedation

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

• prepared equipment and assisted in handling and correctly positioning equipment for the operator during 3 different oral health care procedures carried out under conscious sedation (oral or intravenous or intramuscular or inhalation) including:

- consistently applying safe work practices to ensure patient safety during conscious sedation

- correctly maintaining and storing instruments, equipment, materials and medicaments

• supported the dental team in the discharge care of 1 patient recovering from an oral health care procedure following conscious sedation (oral or intravenous or intramuscular or inhalation).

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:

• national and State/Territory legal and ethical requirements and considerations for dental assisting work including:

­ codes of practice

­ discrimination

­ duty of care

- informed consent and statutory requirements of consent

­ practice standards – Dental Board of Australia guidelines on infection control

­ privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

­ records management

­ work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations

­ work health and safety

• practitioners who are authorised to administer conscious sedation to a patient, and the assessment process required before oral health procedure is carried out

• levels of consciousness

• medications and drugs used in conscious sedation administered via the following routes:

- intravenous

- oral

- inhalation

- intramuscular injection

• medications used to anaesthetise the site for sedation via intravenous route

• risks associated with conscious sedation including:

- potential for unintentional loss of consciousness

- depression of protective reflexes, respirations and cardiovascular system

- variations in response to drugs across the lifespan of individuals

- drug interactions

• differing standards of equipment and staffing at the locations where procedures are performed

• equipment used to administer conscious sedation and equipment used in monitoring a patient pre- and post-oral health care procedures

• reasons for keeping accurate records of oral conditions, treatments and the administration of conscious sedation

• reasons why patients need to follow pre- and post-operative instructions, and the importance of this

• discharge instructions post-recovery and observation of patient into the care of a responsible person after authorisation from dental practitioner

• medical emergencies and complications that may arise during and after conscious sedation and appropriate medical response and treatment given by the dental team.