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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Confirm client brief and job specifications
  2. Arrange elements on page
  3. Produce objects
  4. Edit images
  5. Produce publication-ready file

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

explain different qualities between file formats

describe when to use one file format as opposed to another

discuss type of file formats unsuitable for print-based jobs and other methods of publication

identify different colour modes, and advantages and disadvantages of each

list various colour libraries and how to select them within a software application

outline printing and other publication processes used in digital production

discuss the importance of considering printing and other publication processes during the design phase

list types of problems that can occur if the printing and publications process isn't considered during design

discuss different techniques to style text productively

discuss different ways text can be flowed throughout a document

describe how guides and rulers can be adjusted

outline circumstances in which images are required to be edited or manipulated

discuss why using colour profiles is required when preparing an image for publication

outline image storage capabilities

describe factors that may influence grey balance of an image.