Work with young people to establish support networks


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required by youth workers to empower young people to develop sustainable supports beyond intervention.

This unit applies to a broad context of youth work where the young person is the primary client.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

Elements and Performance Criteria



Elements define the essential outcomes.

Performance criteria specify the level of performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Support young people to develop and use personal resources

1.1 Listen to young people’s stories and experiences in relation to family, friends and others

1.2 Work with young people to explore desires, possibilities and goals in relation to their support networks, particularly to assess safety, benefits or other, of those relationships

1.3 Encourage and assist young people to develop and maintain relationships with family, friends, support networks and service agencies according to each young person’s goals and the safety, benefits, or other, of those relationships

1.4 Enable contact between young people and networks in the community according to young people’s needs and interests

2. Assist young people to develop the personal skills to manage their personal relationships

2.1 Provide support to young people in a manner which maintains the integrity of individual rights, self-determination and personal dignity

2.2. Enable young people to develop effective communication skills to build supportive relationships where possible

2.3 Support young people to explore new ways of seeing relationships and situations with family and others where possible

2.4 Assist young people to develop decision-making, coping and resiliency skills in ongoing situations

3. Establish relationships and exchange information with family members, with the young person’s permission

3.1 Communicate with the young person’s family, friends and/or support people, in accordance with the interests of the young person and organisation practice

3.2 Where possible, seek the young person’s permission prior to contact with other key stakeholders

3.3 Keep young people informed about contact with others

3.4 Clarify own role with family members by providing specific and general information about your values, practice frameworks and work processes

3.5 Maintain the young person’s confidentiality

3.6 Listen without judgement to the experiences and concerns of family, friends and/or support people

3.7 Gather and provide information that is relevant, timely and assists to address concerns

3.8 Analyse own values and their impact on attitudes, interactions and other work practices, as well as to detect and avoid personalising issues, discrimination and stereotyping

4. Determine a mutual approach between the young person, their family and yourself to address the needs and rights of young people

4.1 Encourage active participation and effective communication between all stakeholders

4.2 Monitor behaviour and mood of clients, particularly young person

4.3 Support and validate the young person’s experiences and emotional responses

4.4 Identify issues and concerns for the young person and their family and possible areas of change to behaviour and relationships

4.5 Use interaction with family members to encourage personal reflection on relationships, expectations and personal responsibility

5. Develop and implement action plan to support young person

5.1 Prioritise competing agendas of key stakeholders whereby the rights and interests of the young person is the primary concern

5.2 Set goals in line with young person’s and family’s values, opinions and expectations

5.3 Develop plan that outlines actions to be taken and allocates resources

5.4 Implement, monitor and evaluate progress made by young person and family

5.5 Refer family problems to relevant support and specialist staff and agencies, where necessary

5.6 Refer young people and their families to suitable specialists according to the nature and urgency of their needs, where necessary

Foundation Skills

The Foundation Skills describe those required skills (language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills) that are essential to performance.

Oral communication – in order to interact and facilitate collaborative discussions with young people and their families.

The remaining foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit.